Social Engineering Explained

Social Engineering Explained

Not all cybercriminals are expert manipulators when it comes to technology; most excel at tricking their victims into handing over their sensitive details. These charlatans master the art of deception and possess such control over their victims that they are willing to comply with any request. These are expert human psychology manipulators.

Social Engineering Definition

Cybercriminals are experts at gathering sensitive information from someone who would refrain from sharing it with their close ones. The information collected is mainly used for identity theft and/or fraudulent activities. They aim to collect this information through deceitful acts by impersonating a legitimate firm or earning trust, which they practically hand over to scammers. This is called social engineering.

Workings of Social Engineering

Social engineering is based on exploiting human errors, false trust, and gaining sensitive or confidential information through persuasion. These social engineering attacks are carried out through four distinct methods, as mentioned below.

Gathering Information

The con artists will try to gather as much information as possible regarding their victims before striking them. They will gather information by sending emails, messages, and texts to their potential victims’ email IDs, messaging apps, and social media platforms. They will stalk their victims online and search for suitable victims. They will also use dating apps for this purpose.

These charlatans will either gather information by stalking their victims or purchase their details through the dark web. Regardless of the methodology used to select their potential victims, they will ensure that they have all the required information on their potential victims.


After collecting information on their victims, they will then try contacting them by impersonating a trusted source. They will connect with their potential victims through trust and confidence.


Cybercriminals have partial information on their victims; thus, before striking them down, it is necessary to check if the information that they have obtained is from the same individuals. They may also require certain information, as these individuals may have changed their login credentials.

These con artists will gain their potential victims’ trust and confidence to keep them at ease. And these potential victims will willingly provide all their sensitive information.


After successfully gaining all the confidential information, these charlatans will carry out their nefarious deeds. They will either open unauthorized accounts and carry out transactions based on the data collected from their victims, use the same data to con someone else, or sell them on the dark web for a profit.

It is quite difficult to gauge when these con artists will strike and execute their nefarious deeds. It will take days, months, and even years before these victims are victimized by fraudulent activity.

Spotting a Social Engineering Attack

If you receive a friendly message from a random stranger who wants to connect with you, then there is a high chance that con artists are behind it. In a cyber attack, the victim is not aware, while in social engineering attacks, these scammers will directly contact their victim before carrying out their deeds.

These cybercriminals will frequently use the following strategies to con their potential victims:

Strange Messages

If you receive any messages or emails that appear to be too friendly, then you need to exercise caution. These messages could have originated from banks, coworkers, or even your best friend. Contact your best friend and ask them about the message by calling them directly at their mobile number saved in your contact list.

Stirring Emotions

Scammers are expert emotion manipulators; they will instill emotions like pity, greed, and fear in the minds of their potential victims. Such emotions are powerful, disturbing them by creating a chaotic situation in their hearts and minds. These charlatans will take advantage of the situation if you contact them. Thus, you need to refrain from replying to such messages, as they could be sent by con artists.

Need To Contact Urgently

As mentioned earlier, these messages are sent to stir up your emotions. These messages will also prompt you to take quick action. The reason behind this is that these social engineering messages are intended to instill a particular emotion, and the false sense of urgency will make you take steps that you would normally avoid.

Tempteing Offers

If you get an email, message, or text on your email ID, a messaging platform, a social media platform, or a date from a dating app convincing you to invest in a too-good-too-be-true offer, there are high chances that it is. Avoid taking any financial advice from someone you meet online, regardless of how tempting the business venture may sound.

Unsolicited Contacts

If you receive any unsolicited messages or texts offering you a golden opportunity to make unimaginable profits, you should be on your guard. You should be equally alert when dealing with unsolicited help from legitimate firms. If you receive such calls from tech support, then note down all the information that has been shared with you and contact the firm at the helpline number mentioned on their official websites.

Avoid calling those numbers that are provided on the call or through emails or messages.

Suspicious Identity

While interacting with someone online, if your gut says that the person is not what they appear to be, then it is wise to avoid entertaining the call any further. Fraudsters are known to impersonate someone with the authority to create a grip over their potential victims and do their bidding, which usually involves divulging sensitive information and/or transferring financial assets.

8 Types of Social Engineering Attacks & Examples

The majority of cyberattacks involve social engineering in one way or another. Scammers will also engage in sending malicious software to their potential victims, who might download it only to wreak havoc on the system they have downloaded it on.


The primary aim of these software programs is to incite fear in the minds of potential victims. They may pop up while surfing notorious websites or getting an email. The victim is prompted to take quick action and, in the process, download malicious software or malware.

When you are using an electronic device connected to the internet and you get a pop-up from a legitimate firm asking you to download the software, it suggests that the antivirus program is outdated and you need to upgrade it. Upon downloading the app, you will find that your electronic device is infected.

Contact Spamming and Email Hacking

It is human nature to carefully read messages sent by those we know. Be it an email or a message from social media platforms and messaging apps,. Scammers, begging masters of human psychology, know this all too well. They will hack into an account and send a link with malicious software to all the contacts of that individual.

These messages are intended to create certain excitement, like “click on the link to win exciting prizes” or “win a free iPhone,” and so forth. Once someone falls for this gag, in anticipation of earning it, they will provide all the sensitive information that they won’t share with their loved ones.


One of the most popular ways that fraudsters get the sensitive details of their potential victims is through phishing strategies. These charlatans will randomly send in messages, emails, and texts with the hope someone might catch the bait just like a fish.

Such social engineering attacks will trigger a sense of urgency with the link provided in them. These messages are designed so that they appear to be legitimate. They may suggest that your subscription be canceled immediately.

Upon clicking on the link, you will be diverted to a website that will prompt you to fill in all the details. Since the website will appear to be legitimate, you will end up filling out all the sensitive details that are asked for. These details will be sent to scammers.

There are various types of phishing attacks:

eMail Phishing

One of the oldest of all the other phishing attacks, it came into existence when the internet was first created. Scammers will send random emails with the hope of someone falling for them.


It is one of the recent types of phishing attacks where scammers will impersonate someone with authority. They will send a vishing (voice phishing) message to their potential victims. The message will convince their potential victim that it is from a legitimate source, and prompt action is required. These scammers hope that their potential victims will provide sensitive details over the phone.

It is important for you to protect your personal information and take care to avoid falling victim to such fraudulent activities.


It is also one of the latest types of phishing attacks, where scammers will randomly send text messages (SMS phishing) with a link in the body of the message. These con artists hope that their potential victims will click on the link that will direct them to a webpage. The webpage will have fake mandatory fields that are required to be filled. Thus, the victim will provide all the sensitive details to the scammer.

URL Phishing

Cybercriminals will create a fake website that will appear to be legitimate. These fake websites will imitate a bank, utility firm, entertainment firm, and so forth. The links to these websites are sent randomly to their potential victims through emails, texts, and messages.

In-session Phishing

When a potential victim is surfing the internet and they get a pop-up prompting them to take immediate action, then it is in-session phishing. Scammers cleverly add pop-ups on websites with the hope of triggering emotions that will prompt their victims to fill in their sensitive details.

DNS Spoofing

It is also called cache poisoning. When a potential victim’s browser is manipulated in such a way that they are redirected to a website that looks similar to the one they are browsing, it is called DNS spoofing.

The idea behind this is that scammers will capture all the sensitive login credentials when they try to log in. Once the details are captured, the scammers will go to the original website and use the victim’s login credentials to access the account.


Scammers will “bait” their potential victims to collect sensitive data. It is one of the social media scams. Baiting is a kind of social engineering attack that is frequently seen on social media platforms. Scammers will smartly put a link on their social media accounts that will offer free videos or audio clips. Once someone falls for it, they will download malicious software that will capture all the sensitive information.

Baiting is quite common on popular social media platforms, and scammers pull off Instagram scams, Facebook scams, and LinkedIn scams.


Scammers will entice their victims through a convincing story that they will win certain prize money for a sweepstakes or will inherit wealth. They will instill strong emotion, and the message will appear to be legitimate. In order to gain benefits, these scammers will ask their potential victims to provide sensitive information. Once the information is collected, these scammers will not honor their promise.

Watering Hole Attack

Con artists will frequently carry out social engineering attacks on popular sites. They know that many will visit these websites. They will add malicious software; thus, all those who visit it will fall prey to it. Scammers will collect sensitive information from all those who visit these websites.

Quid Pro Quo

Quid pro quo literally means you give me this in return for that. Scammers will mount social engineering attacks on their victims with a fake promise of providing something else in return. These are popular on web forums, like those dedicated to gaming.

Suppose you wish to purchase concert tickets, but they are no longer available online. You could go to such forums or social media platforms to purchase them. You find someone willing to sell their concert tickets for a price. They will accept the payment but will fail to deliver on their promise of providing you with the tickets. This is a quid pro quo scam.

15 Tips To Protect Against Social Engineering Attacks

It is vital to protect your personal information, as scammers will frequently search the internet for individuals who are careless about their sensitive information. These individuals are frequent targets of cyberattacks.

We have provided 15 tips to protect you against possible social engineering attacks.

Excersice Caution While Clicking On Links And Downloading

You need to protect your personal information when you are using your smartphones, computers, and tablets. When you receive a suspicious email, text, or message, ensure that you are alert. Refrain from downloading any software or programs or clicking on a link that your gut says no to. The chances of you downloading a malicious link or sharing your sensitive details are high.

Avoid Oversharing Online

Cybercriminals are on the lookout for potential victims who share their every achievement and moment online. Scammers will then stalk them, make them victims of online scams, or steal their personal information.

Use Caution Online

If you have met a stranger online who wants to know more about you but refrains from sharing their details, then you are engaging with a cybercriminal.

Learning to Spot Potential Social Engineering Tactics

Knowledge and awareness are two of the best defenses against possible social engineering attacks. You must be wise enough to spot a probable social engineering attack. Learn how they stalk their potential victims before going all in for the final blow.

Be Skeptical

When you find a link or a piece of software to download, use caution to ensure that you do not fall victim to online scams or identity theft.

Multi Factor Authenticator

Make sure you use a multi-factor authenticator to keep hackers and other cybercriminals from stealing your sensitive information.

Stronger Password

It is a good idea to keep a strong, multi-character password. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. Ensure that you change this password periodically.

Password Manager

You can always use your reputed, reliable, and trusted password manager. These apps create a unique and strong password that is difficult to crack.

Spam Filters

Ensure that you have activated the spam filter to prevent unwanted and suspicious emails from directly going into the spam box. These will ensure that any email from a suspicious sender will not go into your inbox. Thus, you can effectively avoid falling victim to social engineering tactics.

WiFi Network

Keep your WiFi network safe and secure by refraining from sharing your WiFi password with strangers. They might tweak it to their advantage and collect all the sensitive information from your electronic devices that use the internet.


Use a virtual private network, or VPN, while connecting to a WiFi network. The encrypted data remains safe from potential social engineering attacks.

Frequently Monitor Your Account

If you come across any suspicious activity, like sending messages without your authorization, then immediately change your password for all your accounts.

Avoid Leaving Your Devices Unattended

It is advisable to avoid leaving your devices unattended. You could use all the protective software to protect against an impending cyber attack, but it is even more essential to keep your devices safe from physical breaches. Anyone can get hold of your device and install keylogger software, which can be accessed by scammers remotely.

Updating Software

It is wise to keep your software updated regularly on your electronic devices. Such steps will ensure that hackers and other cybercriminals find it challenging to breach your devices.

Using Anti-Virus Softwares

It is advisable to use reputed and trusted anti-virus software to deter possible social engineering attacks. If possible, also make sure to activate the firewall that is already present on your devices.

Final Thoughts

It is important that you protect your personal information by actively taking the measures that we have mentioned in this article.

You must also be aware of firms like Kirkland & Ellis LLP that offer social media scam recovery services. If you ever fall victim to any online scam or cyberattack, you can always trust us to help recover your financial assets.

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